Call to Action

“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”
Thomas Paine

It's Your Choice
Hopefully, being a citizen that does their due diligence, you have noticed the trend in Lansing during the last six years.  It's been a downward spiral towards bigger and bigger government.  A government run by self serving politicians participating in what is called the Kalifornication of Michigan.  This style of government wants to dictate and control all aspects of your life 24 hours a day and 7 days a week from cradle to grave.  Essentially this is the very antithesis of what the US is all about as enumerated in the Constitution.  The Constitution is based upon the concept expressed in the Declaration of Independence, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
If you are upset with the current direction of Lansing, then you need to stop its movement by electing representation that will dedicate all their effort to not only stopping but to reversing this departure from freedom and liberty.  You will have NO REGRETS by sending me, Jeff Gorman, to the capitol to fight against this tyranny.

If, on the other hand, you like or, worse still, are indifferent, to what is happening, you can keep your "representative" in office.  He is totally dedicated to serving his party and their agenda to strip you of your rights.  Eventually, you will have REGRETS for helping create a midwest California where the population gets smaller as people flee for better lives.
Who am I?

-Born and Raised in the Detroit Area.
-Graduate of Garden City East High School.
-Graduate of the US Naval Academy with a BS in Aerospace Engineering
-Graduate of the University of Cincinnati with a MS in Industrial Engineering
-24 year veteran of the US Navy/Naval Reserve as a Naval Officer and Naval Aviator. Retired O-6 (Capt)
-20 year US domestic and international airline Pilot/Captain.
-Park Ranger, Substitute Teacher, Greenfield Village Presenter, Roundhouse Volunteer, Funeral Home Hearse Driver, Airport Freedom Center Volunteer.
-Knight of Columbus
-10 year precinct delegate, two time US Congressional Candidate.
-Your only NO REGRETS choice for District 26 Representative. 
-100% committed to serving the people of this district, the state, and the nation and staunching the loss of our freedom and liberty in Lansing.  As a naval officer I took the oath of office with each change of rank swearing to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;".  As far as I am concerned, that oath has no expiration date. 

Finished up in Romulus south of Van Born Road today.  Another fall like day in the large lot neighborhoods.  Did find some folks out and about this early SUN.  

Talked to a truck driver and Army veteran about the state of the nation and the state.  We agreed and hoped that we could get everything back on an even keel.  Hoped to end the divisiveness that we find ourselves in by those that wish to destroy us employing the divide and conquer tactic.

Do your due diligence and chose wisely at the polls.  "Hire" those candidates that will work for you, first and foremost.  Fire or do not choose those that serve a party and/or its agenda exclusively.

Returned to Romulus today.  Had some interesting conversations with folks living on the larger lots South of Van Born and East of Wayne.  

Afterwards, on the first cool day of campaigning, went up to the Garden City Chili Cookoff to meet the many taking in the sights.  Good day for chili.  Talked to one of the American Legion group who had the chili just right and were hoping to be chosen the best for the third year in a row.

Walked in the Franklin Labor Day Parade that started at high noon with the 12th Congressional District Republican Committee.

After lunch, went door to door campaigning in Garden City in the late afternoon for almost 3 hours.  Talked to quite a few people today as the holiday weekend drew to a close.  Saw one house that had burned recently.  Hope that the family is OK.

Message remains that there is no excuse not to vote.  Absentee ballots go out soon.  Vote and make it count.  It's the major way to effect change in a government that is clearly headed in the wrong direction.

The primary election has come and gone.

Unfortunately, the incumbent, the Democrat Socialist Party member won.  So the choice is pretty clear.  You can choose to keep the person who is full throttle open for their party and its radical, freedom and liberty threatening agenda.  OR, you can choose someone beholden only to you, the citizens of the district.

Went door to door in Garden City up in the Middlebelt and Warren area.  Did get have good conversations with some folks enjoying the cooler temps and lower humidity on this holiday weekend.  

Spent a long Saturday in Flint participating in the 2024 MI Republican State Convention.  Heard inspiring speech by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem calling for unity within the party to succeed in the upcoming NOV election.  Pastor Lorenzo Sewell led the convention in prayer and spirit with some old school preaching.  Candidates made speeches either live or via video after a nomination speech and shorter seconding speech.  When the main event came, all precinct delegates went through the long process to get to the voting area to vote in the first round.  Results took almost 3 hours to tabulate.  Second round was done around 7:30 PM with results announced around 10 PM.  Nearly 12 hour ordeal resulted in getting good choices on the ballot for MI Supreme Court and University Regents.  Congressional Districts delegates also chose their electors for the Electoral College after the NOV General Election.

The primary was this past TUE for all those that chose to vote in person.  Appreciate the support of all those that voted.  However, voter turnout was only 15% overall in the district.

Folks we are going to need to do a lot better in the General Election which ends on 5 NOV.  It is a Presidential election and turnout is usually big.  To stop the freedom and liberty stripping madness in all levels of government, it will need to be RECORD SETTING.  

The people behind the push to restrict us with government over reach are well funded and supported by like minded followers.  They will turn out in force to continue the trend.  Our only hope is to overwhelm them with larger numbers of our own.  With all the ways that they have made it possible to vote, I have said it before and it bears repeating again, THERE IS NO EXCUSE TO NOT VOTE!  Get your family, friends, coworkers, and everyone you can to get out and vote.  It's our collective future that is at stake. It's time to save our cities, our state, and our nation from those that are trying to divide and conquer us.  

It's the preliminary to the main event in NOV, the general election.  There is NO EXCUSE for not voting.  Our future is at stake.  Get to your local polling place if you have not voted today.  

Ventured off to Inkster just south of Cherry Hill for the weekend before the primary election on TUE.  Please vote like your future depends upon it.  IT DOES!  There is no excuse for not voting.

Another VERY humid and warm day for strolling through these neighborhoods.  Some interesting homes and big lots.  Enjoyed the yard decorated with hot air balloon spinners hanging from the branches of the numerous trees.  Pretty cool.

On the serious side, had a long conversation with two men who had spent time in state and county run institutions.  They did their time and were now back out and making a go of it.  They said that state run facilities lacked programs designed to rehabilitate, provide job training, and get them back as contributing members of society.  They put a TV in each cell to keep them occupied instead.  As they said, if training in legit skills is not available, people are going to return to what they previously did to support themselves and commit the same crimes.  

They also described conditions regarding food that made things even more dire.  Then there was bureaucracy at the max level.  One of them related how it took 5.5 hours just to type in his name to find out that there were no outstanding warrants so that he could be released.  That cost him a job.  

We agreed that there are some people who will never be ready to head back into society.  However, for those that can return to the community, the justice system needs to be accommodating.  

Finally to the "I am a Democrat" man who will always vote that way because Republicans want to take away SS, medical, and all the other government services.  Please learn that the hate generated by this blatantly false, fear mongering has blinded you to the truth.  As the totalitarians become more open about their designs, people are seeing them for who they really are and voting for those truly dedicated to supporting and safeguarding our freedom and liberty.

In that regard, VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!  No legitimate excuse not to participate.

Had this subject in discussion with a lady out in Westland yesterday.

Once those not committed to our freedom and liberty find a strategy that works, they will stick to it no matter the consequences.

The one of late is the Divide and Conquer tactic.  They seek to divide us by race, sex, religion, marital status, education, personal wealth, origin, culture, and even profession.  Why and how?

You need look now further than about 6 of the 7 deadly sins.  Their pride and their lust for money, power, and fame are their motivation.  Then they play on others greed and envy to fuel the hate necessary to create the giant divisions between everyone.

Then in the classic style of modern politics, they offer themselves as the solution to mend all the destruction and chaos that they caused.

It's as simple and as deluded as that.  Do not play in to their game.  Seek to remove them from office and replace them with true public servants.  The future depends on you to do your due diligence and vote smart.

Back out into Westland before it got really uncomfortable this afternoon.  Did see a few people out and about on a quiet Sunday morning.  One man wondered what I thought would happen in the election.  Said I didn't know.  Told him that I had seen first hand what had gone on at the TCF center in the general election of 2020 and in the primary of 2022.  Know that SOS Benson, who must be setting a record for court battles lost, will be trying to influence the outcome again.  She considers herself the heir apparent to the governor's office once Whitler is termed out.  She is also dedicated to the kalifornication of MI.

Got out to Westland on other side of Wildwood on another muggy but lower temperature day.  Did get to talk to some folks.  One lady relayed her fear for where the country was headed.  She was very concerned about the moral direction of the country.  Another older woman said that she didn't vote and was leaving it in God's hands.  If you know someone who feels like the second lady does perhaps you, as a friend or family member, can convince them that they need to help get the country headed back in the right direction by voting for the right people.  God has given us free will which we can practice in this country to make good, moral choices.

Use this form to ask me questions, get information or INVITE me to a gathering where we can get to know each other.

Voting deadlines and events
7 JUL Primary Early Voting Begins

22 JUL Registration Deadline for Primary

6 AUG Primary Election

6 OCT General Election Early Voting Begins

21 OCT Registration Deadline for General Election

5 NOV General Election

Citizens for Traditional Values Michigan

Part Time Legislature-MI is one of only 4 states that has a full time legislature.  All the rest have part time or hybrid ones.  It's past time to cut the expense and waste.  We can adopt either one of those alternatives with the provision to call an emergency session if required.  This would also force representative and senators to have full time jobs and live in the legislative environment that they created with their support and votes.

Executive Emergency Power Limitations-As if the abuse of power wasn't evident enough during the scamdemic, the governor just made claim again to exercising it again to attack MI crime.  It's another case of the government overbearingly offering a solution to a problem they helped create.  It's also not ever what they claim it to be for.  It's all about power and control.  In the case of this governor, it's all about abuse of power and tyrannical control.  It's time for the legislature to make definitive and enforceable control on executive powers to keep the balance that is fundamental in US government at all levels.  It's a systems of checks and balances to prevent abuse by any one branch.