Got out there today. First day in five months of taking the campaign to you. Was good to see those of you who answered the door or who were out in your yard.
Got the impression that a majority of you were not happy about what is happening in Lansing (or in DC). Hope that we can work together to get the state and hopefully the nation back on track. The government should only work on our behalf in areas we need them to be. We do not need the all out intrusion into our personal lives.
Unfortunately this means we must actively participate in making sure that we get the right people in office and that they do only what needs to be done. There was one older couple that told me that they were leaving it in God's hands and that's why they didn't vote or get involved. Because a lot of Christians have decided to not get involved, we find ourselves in such a morally challenging time. If these folks had turned out, a lot of the ethically challenged grifters wouldn't have been elected.
Please, please, please do your due diligence and get out and vote. Get your friends, neighbors, and coworkers to vote as well. Only an overwhelming turnout will defeat those who are out to maintain power and control for that totalitarian minded.