04 Aug

Ventured off to Inkster just south of Cherry Hill for the weekend before the primary election on TUE.  Please vote like your future depends upon it.  IT DOES!  There is no excuse for not voting.

Another VERY humid and warm day for strolling through these neighborhoods.  Some interesting homes and big lots.  Enjoyed the yard decorated with hot air balloon spinners hanging from the branches of the numerous trees.  Pretty cool.

On the serious side, had a long conversation with two men who had spent time in state and county run institutions.  They did their time and were now back out and making a go of it.  They said that state run facilities lacked programs designed to rehabilitate, provide job training, and get them back as contributing members of society.  They put a TV in each cell to keep them occupied instead.  As they said, if training in legit skills is not available, people are going to return to what they previously did to support themselves and commit the same crimes.  

They also described conditions regarding food that made things even more dire.  Then there was bureaucracy at the max level.  One of them related how it took 5.5 hours just to type in his name to find out that there were no outstanding warrants so that he could be released.  That cost him a job.  

We agreed that there are some people who will never be ready to head back into society.  However, for those that can return to the community, the justice system needs to be accommodating.  

Finally to the "I am a Democrat" man who will always vote that way because Republicans want to take away SS, medical, and all the other government services.  Please learn that the hate generated by this blatantly false, fear mongering has blinded you to the truth.  As the totalitarians become more open about their designs, people are seeing them for who they really are and voting for those truly dedicated to supporting and safeguarding our freedom and liberty.

In that regard, VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!  No legitimate excuse not to participate.

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