10 Aug

The primary was this past TUE for all those that chose to vote in person.  Appreciate the support of all those that voted.  However, voter turnout was only 15% overall in the district.

Folks we are going to need to do a lot better in the General Election which ends on 5 NOV.  It is a Presidential election and turnout is usually big.  To stop the freedom and liberty stripping madness in all levels of government, it will need to be RECORD SETTING.  

The people behind the push to restrict us with government over reach are well funded and supported by like minded followers.  They will turn out in force to continue the trend.  Our only hope is to overwhelm them with larger numbers of our own.  With all the ways that they have made it possible to vote, I have said it before and it bears repeating again, THERE IS NO EXCUSE TO NOT VOTE!  Get your family, friends, coworkers, and everyone you can to get out and vote.  It's our collective future that is at stake. It's time to save our cities, our state, and our nation from those that are trying to divide and conquer us.  

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