23 Jun

Went out campaigning door to door in the Romulus portion of the district.  Visited homes between Van Born and Beverly, west of a gated community up to and including Fourth St.  A lot of nice homes on spacious lots with a couple of parks.  Plenty of trees and vegetation.

Fortunate to meet a few people on this early Sunday day enjoying a break in the heat.  Most folks that I spoke with were very open minded and pleasant.  

Last house I visited, I met a young man, originally from the area but now residing in the Lansing area.  Believe that he was an owner/operator of a flat bed truck.  We had a good discussion on the role of government and what it should be.  He noted how the trucking industry was adversely affected during the scamdemic and with this administration's installation of the Green New Deal on day one.  Told him that stopping government interference in business and in our lives would be a priority if sent to Lansing as a representative.

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