Part Time Legislature-MI is one of only 4 states that has a full time legislature. All the rest have part time or hybrid ones. It's past time to cut the expense and waste. We can adopt either one of those alternatives with the provision to call an emergency session if required. This would also force representative and senators to have full time jobs and live in the legislative environment that they created with their support and votes.
Executive Emergency Power Limitations-As if the abuse of power wasn't evident enough during the scamdemic, the governor just made claim again to exercising it again to attack MI crime. It's another case of the government overbearingly offering a solution to a problem they helped create. It's also not ever what they claim it to be for. It's all about power and control. In the case of this governor, it's all about abuse of power and tyrannical control. It's time for the legislature to make definitive and enforceable control on executive powers to keep the balance that is fundamental in US government at all levels. It's a systems of checks and balances to prevent abuse by any one branch.